Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Corn Maze--Fall Fun for FHE

Can't kick off the harvest season without
annual trip to Cornbelly's...(Did I
just use the
word, harvest?.....Who am I...)

Luke and Jace were the heroes and led
us all
safely out of corn maze hysteria.
(Of course,
we carved our own way out
knocking over
corn husks and blazing
new trails. Alrighty then..)

Our little corn holes!!! L & J had fun
rollin in
the hay...I mean corn.....In
fact I did a load
of laundry (occasionally
I do stuff like that)
and found a
plethora of kernels. (Did I just

Speaking of plethora...Well, really
has nothing to do with this
unless you can see
L & J having a
plethora of smiles as they slip slide

away on the world's largest slide.
(It's really not
the largest, but it
makes reading this so much
more exciting!!)

My girls.....Tracy, Lucy, and Jackie

Jace thinks he's got mad go cart skills, he wanted
to do this all night.

Luke man gave it a go and then decided
hot chocolate sounded better. Smart was below freezing when we
were there.

1 comment:

rdelight said...

LOVE the blog! It looks great! Keep posting!